Actions basics
Action types
There are two types of actions: instant (like assign or clone) and non-instant which are animated.
Grouping actions into steps
As explained in the tutorial actions can be grouped into steps in either sequenced or parallel way.
Steps duration
It is possible to assign duration attribute to step e.g. following step consists of two actions done in total time of 2 seconds
dot id: d1 at: [-3,0]
step: 'move dot by 4 cells right and two up' duration: 2s
d1 -> +[4,0]
d1 -> +[0,-2]
<dot-and-box controls style="height: 250px" code="
dot id: d1 at: [-3,0]
step: 'move dot by 4 cells right and two up' duration: 2s
d1 -> +[4,0]
d1 -> +[0,-2]">
Duration units
By default, duration is measured in milliseconds, but you can apply unit explicitly so e.g. following represent same duration
duration: 2000 // no unit means milliseconds
duration: 2000ms // milliseconds
duration: 2s // seconds